Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
To avoid studying Physics,

Showing off my Tiger key chain! I have a Piglet, too, ya know. *gives a smug macam taik look*

Eye balls will drop any minute now.....

This is me trying to look like a member of the Bee Gees. (The stoned look is a plus)

Me being a ninja with a mental disorder.

Maybe I really have a mental disorder.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Succession in a Pond
A Biology project my team and I made during the 1 week break. Not too shabby ey?
Do not laugh at my sexy voice :P
Monday, October 5, 2009
2009? 2010?
Farah / Me
Aunty, mau beli satu kotak Ice Lemon Tea.
Eeee, aku mau juga! Kejap, korek duit.
*got hers*
Wuina Kay, ais ba minumannya ni!!! :D
Sedapnyaaaaa! Tapi terlebih masam pula ni. Yang macam masam suda basi tu ba
*got mine*
Iya kan! Macam pula ooo *continued drinking*
*Farah was able to look at the expiry date (which was 28/05/2010) while sipping her drink*
UI!!! KITA TAHUN NI 2010 KA 2009 ??!!
-________- ASTAGA
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Back to the Past
My life was so simple back then. I didn't have to worry about exams (I used to think that exams were like homework- only they were done in school -_-), I didn't have to face peer pressure and I certainly didn't know how to curse :P
I was going through an old folder when I realised all these. It made me remember all the good times I had when I was little, and that made me smile :)
It also made me realise that I gained a lot of weight over the years (You'll see what I mean in a bit)
Anyway, photos to make this post a little bit more interesting :

Me at the age of 8.
I was born a poser, no doubt :P

I was cute, no? *Ehem*

Barbie dolls; my favourite thing in the world, back then. My obsession with Barbie was like my obsession with Twitter, now. That obsessed. (Only people who follow me on Twitter understand what I mean :P)

My cousins and I in my used-to-be room. I slept in that room for like a week and then moved out. It was because of the two red beady eyes I saw outside my window. Until this day, after 6 years, I have never slept in that room.

The original McDonald's tauke. I even had a McDonald's cash register and play money, which my dad printed for me. I loved pretending to be a cashier. Pressing the buttons on that toy made me feel on top of the world. I felt like I was all grown up (I don't have the slightest idea why I was happy to feel old -_-)

This picture has never failed to make me smile. It reminds me of one of the best childhood memories I have. I remember every single bit of what had happened, and I don't ever want to forget it :) Click here to know what happened that night.

Li May, Jazz and I. All three of us were in a "Britney Spears phase". We memorised all of her songs. We also knew the steps to her song 'Opps! I did it Again'. I remember the three of us jumping around when we found out that Britney was dating Justin Timberlake. We made complete fools out of ourselves by screaming and shaking our butts at the side of the road.

This was during my 7th birthday party. I was telling my aunt that I couldn't put out the candles, when my cousin decided to settle the problem himself. So that explains the picture above.

Swimming lessons in the Philippines, 2005. I didn't enjoy it, AT ALL. It was stressful to learn how to swim because I had (still have) a fear of water. I thought it wasn't going to be so hard overcoming my fears. Men, I was so wrong.

I hardly recognise myself here. I look different! These two girls are my cousins, (l-r) Jackie and Camille. Camille looks like she was trying to drink the water O.o

This was what I meant with "I gained a lot of weight over the years". This is a picture of me, taken 4 years ago. I looked like a skeleton- Not good. My face was slim - Very good.

Chicken legs alert!

Me and the infamous boy who blew my candles.

One of the proudest moments of my life. I came home drenched in my own sweat because I was jumping like a mad bulldog in my school bus. This was during the first grade- when I managed to score my exam papers and shut the mouth of my classmate who kept telling me that her mother was going to buy her 12 boxes of coloured pencils if she managed to beat me, and get the number 1 spot in class. BOOYA!

OMG! I was a lala -_-

Cousin Jackie and I in my aunt's living room. We took quite a number of shots together on that day and this was the only one where she smiled. This was a candid shot, actually. She didn't plan on smiling. JACKIE, I HOPE YOU SEE THIS >:D

I also liked playing computer games. I had a fetish for Chun Li, that girl in Street Fighter. Counter-strike was another game I loved, until my younger cousin discovered cheat codes for it. I became an anti-Counter-strike because I kept losing to my cousin who used those stupid codes.

I was really into sports. I enjoyed cycling, skating, playing badminton with my dad and playing with my skipping rope. I have a photo of myself jumping with my skipping rope, but I dare not post it here because my pants were falling down, and my underwear was visible -__-
I made my P.E. pants look like they were high-waisted mom jeans.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My Attempt to Use Photoshop

Did Adjustments on her:
- Hair colour (duh! the most obvious part)
- Eyebrows; Eyebrows' colour/shape
- Eye shadow and Eyeliner
- Eyes; I made them lighter and I think they look more sparkly. I don't know about you, la.
- Face; Made it slimmer.
- Blusher; I added more orange, but it's not really obvious in the picture.
- Lips; Made it smaller.
Here's a GIF image, so you can see the changes clearer.

It's not really neat. There are a few strands of hair left uncoloured, and the adjustment I did on her face is not fine (You can see "bumps", especially on the right side)
BUT, I am satisfied. This is my first attempt and I think it's not too shabby. I kind of like it :)
And Emma looks gothic. Lol
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Things Katrina did for the whole week
I didn't do anything much that day. Took the whole day for granted by lazying around at home, eating eating eating, and hogging the television. I tried to study but nothing went into my dumbass brain. I was a little bit depressed because school was about to reopen the next day (A one week break is not enough for me!)
I woke up having a slight fever, but managed to go to school. I was so happy that I understood my Chemistry lesson, that it made me gay the whole day :)
I was absent. Woke up feeling numb all over my body and that made me shit-scared. I forced myself to get up and prepare for school, but in the end, I decided not to go because I was afraid that I might collapse in school. 3/4 of the day was spent by lying on the couch, watching tv. Very productive.
School was dull. We did revisions for most of the subjects. Had a really hot debate during P.E about stress. It was pretty hilarious, because both of the teams (especially us with our opponents) were shouting at each other with any points they could think of- relevant or not relevant. We even commented about our opponents' seating place. Haha
Friday (Today)
I could hardly focus in class because of my stupid cold. But, I did enjoy Biology. The teacher was in a very good mood. The internet was down when I came home, so I slept the whole afternoon. Again, very productive.
Now, I am wasting my time playing Pet Society. My life is so exciting!! NOT.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
We are not Tarzan
Friday, August 14, 2009
Yearbook Photos of 2008

This photo does not do any justice! I look fat. Fat fat fat. What were they thinking when they decided to include my gay face in this section?! Everybody else looks good here while I look retarded.