Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lalas Are Annoying


A general word that describes someone who is fcukin annoying. Seriously.

There are a few things you can see in lalas :

1. The never ending 'zzzzzzz' and 'xxxxxxx'

When they email you or send you something, they tend to outdo themselves when it comes to words. You'll see ten 'z' at the end of every word. Like that isn't annoying enough, they spell the words in a way that kills the English language. Take this sentence for instance ;

"How are you today?"

Seems normal eyh? Wait 'till it becomes lala-nized ;

"Hoew arez eiux 2daeyz worhxxxzzzx?"

Some of them even talk like this. It's like you have been sucked into a world where dumb-blondes are the new 'it' thing. Can you imagine talking to someone with that kind of language? Irritates the hell outta me. I mean, come on! Can't you just speak properly?

2. The way they dress

I know that everyone has their own rights in dressing themselves up but when fashion becomes a little bit too much, it turns into annoyance. Yes or no?

Lalas always wear too much make up, hence, proving themselves worthy in entering the circus and becoming the next "bozo the clown".

We all know the phrase, "less is more", right? Well, lalas go for "more is less". They always over-accessorise. They wear A LOT of jewellery. I know things like this show your status or whatever but don't you think that too much of a good thing isn't always so sweet? In fact, it makes a person look like a show-off (and we all know show-off is just a polite term for btich). But as for a lala, well, the more the merrier.

3. The way their photos look like on social sites

Lalas have their trademark when it comes to taking photos - 'the so close, zoom in' type of photos. Their cameras are practically kissing their faces man. And they just look fake.

Let me give you an example for this ;

Lala trademark no. 1 - The forceful looking smile.

The mother of all lala trademarks has to be this. I don't understand why they smile like that. I am sure they have beautiful smiles, but why smile so... tightly? It's like they are hiding something in their mouth. Ada emas ka di dalam tu.  -__-"

Lala trademark no. 2 - The peace sign.

They sport the peace in almost every photo. And they do it in that way *points above* . I like peace signs, really. But when a person uses it excessively, it becomes boring, and not to mention, annoying.

Lala trademark no. 3 - The big eyes.

I like big eyes. I adore big eyes. But big eyes like those in the photo just look.... BIG. They don't look natural and they can like pop out any minute. They also remind me of fishes (not a good thing).

Another thing I notice about lala photos is that they take photos of similar poses and upload ALL OF THEM on social sites. (If you don't believe me, go dig in Friendster)

Look at this photo. This is a great example of a lala photo overdose. Who likes going through a photo gallery containing shots that are similar?

(See photos number 2 and 3) Why would you upload photos that look the same? Can't you just upload one? Just because one pair of the eyes is big and the other pair is squinting, doesn't mean that you should upload both to show how "versatile" you can be.  -___-"

And notice what I mean with the 'so close, zoom in' type of photos?

I know lalas are good people but they can just be very annoying. Their trends are just........ annoying and that makes everything they do annoying. And everybody dislikes annoying people.

I hold no grudges against lalas. I just dislike their annoyance.


* I am not a lala. The pictures are just examples, ok. -.-

* Count how many times I used the word "annoying" , heh.

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