Wednesday, October 21, 2009


To avoid studying Physics,


Pulling off a cute and innocent look. FAIL.

Pulling off a bimbotic look. PASS.

Being excited over a packet of Jacobs because I am that lame. (And because there was no other thing in my room to camwhore with)

Showing off my Tiger key chain! I have a Piglet, too, ya know. *gives a smug macam taik look*

Eye balls will drop any minute now.....

This is me being nerdy.

This is me trying to look like a member of the Bee Gees. (The stoned look is a plus)

This is me being Kanye; Complete with the douchebag facial expression. Douchebag according to : "Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker."

Me being a ninja with a mental disorder.

















Maybe I really have a mental disorder.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Succession in a Pond

A Biology project my team and I made during the 1 week break. Not too shabby ey?

Do not laugh at my sexy voice :P

Monday, October 5, 2009

2009? 2010?

Farah / Me


Aunty, mau beli satu kotak Ice Lemon Tea.

Eeee, aku mau juga! Kejap, korek duit.

*got hers*

Wuina Kay, ais ba minumannya ni!!! :D


Sedapnyaaaaa! Tapi terlebih masam pula ni. Yang macam masam suda basi tu ba

*got mine*

Iya kan! Macam pula ooo *continued drinking*

*Farah was able to look at the expiry date (which was 28/05/2010) while sipping her drink*

UI!!! KITA TAHUN NI 2010 KA 2009 ??!!

-________- ASTAGA